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Mixing it up is key to business growth for moteliers and small operators

Emily Stephens says enticing a varied and strong customer base is essential to ensuring year-round occupancy

Each accommodation business will have its own unique selling point along with a specific market that is primarily attracted to the property. To ensure year-round solid occupancy, it has become necessary to have a second, third, and fourth option to maintain and enhance profitability.

Being flexible and having the capability to adjust the marketing and guest options so that the property will attract different market segments throughout the year will benefit the fiscal result.

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Any adjustments within the property should be simple and easy to alter regularly or when required.

Simple adjustments for greater flexibility

One simple option is to consider investing in king zip beds.

A king zip bed consists of two king single beds that can be zipped together to create one king bed. This will allow the bedroom to comprise two single beds or a king bed. Minimising the feeling of the zip in the middle can be easily fixed with an extra mattress protector. Allowing the bedrooms to be suitable for families, couples traveling together, or singles needing separate beds, this simple step will open the property up to twice the potential and thus revenue.

Accessible facilities

Another opportunity is to provide portable accessible facilities for the room or modify particular rooms for guests with accessible needs. The accessible market continues to grow and will again add to the attraction of the property.

If the property has this potential, it is advisable to first speak with the leading portal for seamless, accessible travel, Accessible Accommodation  to see if the property is suitable and how you can be part of this growing and necessary market.

Seasonal marketing strategies

Throughout the year, the clientele for the property may change. School holidays will bring families, winter can bring romantic getaways, and spring may bring the adventurous.

Developing marketing strategies and packages for the different market segments that the property attracts throughout the year will ensure regular visitation and occupancy. It can also help to maintain the variety in the marketing content.

Developing strong marketing content, especially for social media, constantly can be a challenge, and this can ease the pressure a little.

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Varied packages and rate structures

Offering different packages or rate structures at different times of the year can also help to boost the bottom line and attract different clientele. Winter specials encouraging extended stays or value-added packages with local restaurants will help to maintain the occupancy through the quieter months as well as promote other local businesses.

Pet-friendly options

Pet-friendly accommodation is another avenue that can be explored for a property. The entire property does not need to be pet-friendly; however, offering one or two rooms for guests traveling with small pets can provide a welcome increase to the revenue stream.

Corporate guests

Corporate guests, travelling company representatives, or tradespeople are a great midweek option for city and regional motels. They often stay for multiple days through the week and travel independently. Offering corporate or discounted rates for midweek repeat clients can assist in providing regular income for motels. Contacting local organisations can be a great way to network and bring this business to fruition.

Online travel agents and international listings

Being listed on a variety of OTAs is one of the many ways to increase exposure. Similarly, being available for wholesale or international travel agents is another fantastic option to grow occupancy. There can be a bit of work in the setup; however, there are many benefits to being listed internationally. All it takes is one strong online review, and the word will spread far and wide.

Maintaining a diverse customer base

Over the years, I’ve seen many properties struggle when they focus on one niche area, just like putting all their eggs in one basket. Maintaining a variety in the customer base can really help the business in difficult times.

Seeing the international market disappear and the domestic market surge followed by the reverse during the years after the pandemic, it was important for properties to quickly and easily adapt. As well as welcome the changes to procedures with advances in technology that became the new norm. When one segment fades away or slows, another will pick up, and that’s when an easily adaptable and flexible property will flourish.

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